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Meet the Artist 


A lil' rundown 'bout moi

Hey you!  

Thank you for visiting my page  ✨

Here's a little about myself...


My name is Layla Rose and I am a self-taught artist based in Geelong (Djilang) and Melbourne (Naarm), Australia.  I specialise in portraiture through semi-realism and semi-abstract styles.  Although I have considered myself a wild creative since the womb, I only started taking painting seriously at 18 years of age.... Then took a break during Covid... And have now returned at the ripe age of 23 (because why not!?).


For me, creating art goes beyond personal satisfaction as I believe it is an extremely fulfilling experience.  I aspire to create pieces that not only evoke nostalgia, but also have the power to bring a smile to people's faces.  In saying this, I am deeply inspired by bohemian and glamorous women from the 1960s and 70s who trailblazed what we now perceive as retro style.    


I have always found art to be a spiritual experience that reflects an artist's thoughts and feelings from a certain point in their life, whilst also igniting a personal experience with the viewer.   I think it's mesmerising how a combination of colours and shapes can open up a medley of  perspectives and visual expressions, all consolidated by the observer's subconscious mind and experiences.  


As a child, I always believed my creativity was my biggest strength - which was often displayed through my (completely over the top) school projects and decorated notebooks.   In my first weeks of high school, I thought a good way to make friends would be to draw them.  Looking back, that was probably weird af, but hey it was super fun! 


At the age of 14, I tried to expand my networks for the first time by participating in Geelong's 'Street Art' Competition held by the Geelong Powerhouse.  For those who aren't familiar with this place - wickedly talented artists from all sorts of backgrounds would travel there to paint, draw, airbrush, spray paint and more.  I spent my entire school holidays painting and talking to new faces, learning their techniques and listening to their unique backstories.   As a 14 year old, it was crazy to see your paintings get sold and hung up in multiple households.  I will never forget how much my heart wanted to burst when I realised somebody actually wanted my work.  It is a memory I will always hold close to my heart, and to this day, I still get that same feeling every time my art goes into a new home.


I hope that creating colourful and vibrant pieces allows me to connect with people on a more meaningful level, as I would love to encourage others to explore their own forms of creativity.   This is what truly fuels my artistic motivation and I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my artwork with you all 💓


Hope this page makes you smile as much as you all do for me!


Layla x


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